Conversations With [And For] Entrepreneurs

Alignment for Revenue Growth: Role, Goal and Payroll

Written by Kevin Kearney | December 13, 2023

Generating consistent and sustainable revenue growth is a top priority for CEOs, founders, and leaders. However, achieving this goal is not without its challenges. It necessitates the alignment of roles, goals, and compensation strategies. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of alignment for revenue growth and explore how you can attain it by aligning your employees' roles, establishing clear goals for them, and implementing a comprehensive compensation strategy.


One of the first steps in achieving revenue growth is to ensure that your employees are playing the right roles. It is crucial that each employee's strengths and skills match their job requirements. For example, if your sales team is not skilled in selling high-value products or services, it will be difficult to generate substantial revenue growth. To prevent this, you need to assign roles based on individual strengths and business needs. This will enable employees to focus on their core competencies, resulting in higher productivity and better revenue generation. 

Example: The alignment of roles in a business is crucial to achieving revenue growth. It's important to understand that different roles require different skill sets. A good example of role clarity in sales is the difference between working with existing client bases and acquiring new logos. These are distinct roles that ideally should be handled by separate sellers or teams. However, even if you're unable to separate these roles, you can still leverage different skill sets and set up for success by defining the markets, customers, and prospects. Alongside this, the strategies, processes, and sales practices associated with these two distinct customer sets should be clearly outlined. 


The next step is to set clear, measurable and achievable goals for your employees. This means creating a revenue-generation plan that prioritizes revenue growth over customer count. When setting goals, make sure they are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). This will offer clarity and alignment around performance expectations, as well as create a culture of high performance. Additionally, this allows employees to have a clear understanding of their role in the business and how it contributes to overall revenue growth. 

Example: Goal alignment is another crucial component. Continuing the discussion on roles, while acquisition sellers aim to grab new logos, not all new logos promise the same level of revenue or potential. Therefore, having goals based on revenue for new logos may align better with the corporate and financial goals, as opposed to merely counting new logos. This ensures that the pursuit of a revenue goal is more closely aligned with the company's revenue goals, resulting in a higher correlation to success. 


One of the biggest challenges in achieving revenue growth is aligning your compensation strategy with revenue-generation goals. You need to create a compensation strategy that encourages exceptional performances and rewards employees according to their contribution to revenue growth. For example, you can offer performance-based incentives to your sales team that are tied to sales revenue or even a commission-based structure. This will motivate employees to work harder and generate more revenue for the business. Offering competitive compensation in the market will enable you to attract and retain top talent, which can be a strong driver in achieving revenue growth. 

Example: A well-designed compensation strategy is vital for motivating employees. Using the acquisition sellers as an example again, a compensation system that pays based on the amount of revenue from a sale, such as Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) or Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), is more efficient than paying a flat rate per customer. This is because the value of a customer can fluctuate depending on factors such as contract length. Therefore, compensating based on revenue encourages acquisition sellers to focus on securing high-value contracts, aligning their efforts with the overall business goal of revenue growth. 

Continual Improvement 

Once you have aligned roles, goals and payroll, you need to continually monitor and evaluate your strategy to ensure it's working as expected. This means tracking results and assessing progress, keeping an eye on industry trends and shifts, and making necessary changes to stay ahead of the competition. This continual improvement process enables the business to remain agile and competitive, making it easier to respond quickly to changing market conditions. 


Revenue growth is a formidable challenge for any business. By aligning your employees' roles, goals and payroll, you can unlock potential and encourage extraordinary achievements. The art of balancing acquisition and retention demands careful strategic planning, clear role definition, goal alignment, and a well-thought-out compensation strategy. It's essential to understand that these elements are not stand-alone solutions but interwoven pieces of a larger framework, underpinned by effective leadership. Strong leaders can assess and adapt these strategies, ensuring the sales team focuses on both securing high-value contracts and nurturing existing customers for sustained growth. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog where we'll explore in depth how leadership roles can be reimagined and strategic plans recalibrated to navigate this challenge, ensuring sustained growth in the ever-evolving business landscape.