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Creating a Culture for Growth

How do you build a company culture where everyone is aligned, loves coming to work, and out delivers themselves? And your growth engine is on automatic pilot. How do you reach this magical point?

Two essential elements. 1) forming a team is (obviously) talented but has chemistry and 2) mobilizing the team to focus on the “how.” The how they win.

Forming. Hire position players and superstars. Winning teams are not just made up of superstars, Type-As, or VPs. It works when you have role players, superstars, AND emerging talent. And they have chemistry! Two tips: Build a competency model that outlines the skills that are required to be successful. This is NOT what you have to get done. We’ll talk about that next. Competencies can be learned and help develop your talent across your organization. Second Tip, use a personality-type assessment tool that is actionable. A tool that your team members can use to interact with one another every day. I recommend Kolbe. It’s a fantastic tool for helping build chemistry within your team.

Mobilizing.  Winning teams like to be challenged. They want to know how they win individually and organizationally. Tip: 1) Build in stretch goals that are achievable, 2) ensure everyone is evaluated on their own accomplishments and merit, 3) Don’t cop-out as a leader. Don’t give everyone the highest rating, because you and your leaders don’t want to have hard conversations.

Building a winning team to drive your growth engine is about creating chemistry with the “right” talent, pushing them to be their best. Ultimately, letting them loose on your growth goals to win!