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Jaime Klein is the CEO of Inspire Human Resources, HR leaders’ go-to partner for interim senior experts on strategy and execution for any HR need. Overseeing a team of experts composed of HR executives and mid-level practitioners, Jaime collaborates with leaders at Fortune 500 and high-growth companies to access the precise talent they need to fill temporary gaps, upskill teams, and solve their most pressing HR challenges.

To stay competitive, creating content to help customers build trust is paramount. Here are 4 ways to make content marketing effective in 2022.

In a world that is undergoing rapid digitization, content is king. It is what helps consumers understand what products and services brands are offering them. Content is what consumers resort to when making purchase decisions. It is a powerful tool that brands can use to show authenticity and transparency and use its knowledge-sharing nature to inform, instruct and eventually acquire customers.

Here are some of the ways to make effective content marketing strategies:

1.  The Art Lies In The Subtlety

With more and more content out there, it is paramount for brands to understand what their customers are searching for. It will help them understand the type of content that they should create so that their customers can register them as competent authorities within a specific niche.

Brands should use content marketing as a way to tell customers their stories in a subtle manner. It should dive deep into why customers need their services. In turn, this helps build their trust in brands and makes them believe that they are being cared for.

2.  Use High Quality To Stand Out

High-quality content serves the purpose of delivering maximum value in the shortest amount of time. When creating content for the B2B space, brands should focus on creating content that answers relevant questions in the best way possible.

One way to do this is to use a variety of different formats to present that content. These formats can include podcasts, videos, newsletters, and social media content. Considering the limited attention spans of the average user, it’s important to create content that’s to the point, in a variety of different formats. 

Today, high-quality content is content that goes beyond the written word. Brands that produce high-quality content take into account the variety of mediums available and use it to their advantage.

3.  Understand Distribution

High-quality content that isn’t promoted or distributed will never produce results. Brands should incorporate distribution strategies to get their content seen. When content gets the right amount of viewership, businesses can verifiably ascertain that they have figured out the top of the sales funnel.

Repurposing content is a great way to distribute it without much effort. Creative marketing strategists are using repurposing to reach new people in more efficient ways. Brands can even use old blog posts and turn them into social media posts, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, and even ad copies.

4.  Hire The Right People

Content marketing is often thought to be a dedicated job for marketing teams. However, in the constantly changing business landscape of today, high-performing businesses use the insights generated from each of their department to create content marketing strategies.

Hiring the right people involves finding people who know how to ask the right questions. The content marketing team should be aware of what’s happening in their industry, why it’s happening and the potential implications it has on their own business. In other words, they should “own” their particular niche.

CEOs and company owners need to ensure that the content marketing team is tapped into your niche and the overall industry. Having leadership positions such as a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) can streamline the entire marketing effort by gathering data from various departments such as technology and sales.

Small and medium-sized businesses struggle with having a dedicated in-house CMO because of budget constraints. They can, however, get fractional CMOs to assist them in streamlining their marketing efforts at a fraction of the cost.

At Mahdlo, we provide businesses with competitive CMO services that allow you to stay competitive and innovative as you scale your business. Contact us if you’re curious to learn more about how our experts can help you enhance your marketing efforts or schedule a free, no-obligation consultation now if you’re ready to dive in as soon as possible.